Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Blocking the Writer's Block

Just recently came out of a bought of major writer's's been happening a lot lately, probably because I've had issues with work and my romantic life. But I find that these discrepancies often give me inspiration or just the drive to write eventually.

So now I'm writing another short story about the vague battle between a superhero and a supervillain. It's dragging, I have a lot going on.

As well looking forward to getting started on the collaborative works of The Dark/The Dawn with my co-writer Jillian, but I'm holding off until she reaches Germania...she needs some special time with her guy.

Anyways I'm blabbering because its 12:30 and I've been up since 6:30 this I'm going to slowly ease out.....

Monday, February 2, 2009

'Divine' Inspiration

Today I hammered out my first ever christian piece. I suppose its all of the changes going on around me lately, but I just felt the need to express myself on my feelings about religion. They were all good, nothing tasteless or anything like that.

I just think that God should be viewed in more of a way then some man who sits on a cloud and throws lightning bolts at people who try to recreate the life and death of his only son on that was a mouthful. Seriously though, why is it we're forced to view God as some fearsome, loathing personality. Smiting this, that and the other.

I really hope my piece gives people a new view on how God may and does work.